About Lake Arbutus

Lake Arbutus Lake Facts

Physical Characteristics:
-839 Acres
-777,782 Acre Watershed (1215 miles)
-50 feet maximum depth
-16 feet average depth
-Flushes about 8 times a year
-Water levels controlled by FERC regulated Haterfield Dam
ar·bu·tus ( är-by›"t…s) n. 1. Any of various broad-leaved evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Arbutus, including the madroña and strawberry tree, that are native chiefly to warm regions in the Americas and Europe. 2. The trailing arbutus. [Latin arbutus arbutus]


Lake Arbutus Lake Facts

Physical Characteristics:
-839 Acres
-777,782 Acre Watershed (1215 miles)
-50 feet maximum depth
-16 feet average depth
-Flushes about 8 times a year
-Water levels controlled by FERC regulated Haterfield Dam
ar·bu·tus ( är-by›"t…s) n. 1. Any of various broad-leaved evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Arbutus, including the madroña and strawberry tree, that are native chiefly to warm regions in the Americas and Europe. 2. The trailing arbutus. [Latin arbutus arbutus]